“why are there hershey bars but not himhe bars?”
It started as a joke. At face value, the idea that Hershey catered only to women was silly.
Even more ridiculous was the notion that men wanted or maybe even needed their own chocolate brand.
Still, it was a question that deserved investigation. Love isn’t as easy to spread as it used to be, so maybe Hershey’s strategy of melting hearts had gone cold.
In order for Hershey to prove how chocolate unites us, it would first have to confront an issue that divides us. This two-part campaign explores gender identity and what the reality of a Himhe Chocolate Company would look like.
part one:

himhe’s chocolate company appears on billboards and candy shelves overnight
Claiming to be the world’s first chocolate made by men, just for men, Himhe targets every male who’s ever felt ignored by certain “female-centric” chocolate brands. Though Hershey is actually behind the entire Himhe stunt, this remains a secret from the public for the time being.

part two:
chocolate doesn't discriminate
After sparking conversations at news desks and dinner tables around the country about how products are unnecessarily gendered, Hershey takes responsibility for Himhe.
In recognition of gender non-binary people who often feel excluded by companies who market to just two genders, Hershey releases Theythem’s Chocolate. During Pride Month, all proceeds from Theythem are donated to the Stonewall Community Foundation in support of the LGBTQ+ Movement.

student american advertising awards:
Copy - Gold
Online Social Media, Single Execution - Gold
Art Direction - Silver

co-chairs of the augustus gloop fan club:
AD | Madison Duncan
CW | Jillian Apatow